Sunday, March 23, 2008

Poem contest for CanCrafts Cross

Here I can post the poems and participations complete:

Still got time to participate:

The winner will got one recycled cross.

First participant:

Hi Sweetie! I LOVE the cross!!

I jotted down you a little poem, hope you like it...

They hung Jesus by three nails to a tree,

He gave His life for you and for me.

He suffered and died to pay for our sin,

Then on the third day,


So as you look at this cross made of tin,

Remember that Jesus is coming again!!


Yvonne, I don't have a poem but this is the bible verse I give with the cross's I make out of horseshoe nails. If you decide to use these go ahead and give what someone you think needs a spirtual lift.

Luke 9:23 Then Jesus said to all the people: if any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross each day and follow me.

And Isaiah 53:5 He was wounded and crushed because of our sins, by taking our punishment he made us completely well.As you take up and wear your cross consider the price Jesus paid for you.

I also have below that (Which works for the cross's I make) Each cross is made with these componets, the nails which represent his hands and feet being pierced , the leather straps he was whipped with and the wire for the crown of thorns placed upon his head.

Carol W

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